Packaging and specialty film lines for a variety of top quality applications
At Chinaplas 2025 in Shenzhen (Hall 10, Stand J01) Brückner’s clear focus is on the highest efficiency of film stretching lines for a manufacturing process with lowest specific energy and raw material consumption.
BOPP film lines with an unprecedented production speed of 700m/min and a width of 12m for a wide range of packaging applications BOPP 薄膜生产线具有前所未有的 700 米/分钟的生产速度和 12 米的幅宽,适用于广泛的包装应用
New transport system for BOPET packaging film lines for 650m/min production speed, highest line availability as well as cost efficiency BOPET 包装膜生产线的新型轨道系统可实现 650 米/分钟的生产速度、实现了最高的生产线可用性以及成本效益
The market’s widestBOPA film production lines: 8.4m for the sequential, 7.4m for the simultaneous technology 市场上最宽的 BOPA 薄膜生产线:8.4米宽分步线,和7.4米同步拉伸线
World novelty: Battery separator film line concept with 8.7m film width 全球首创:8.7米薄膜宽度的电池隔膜生产线概念
Capacitor films and composite current collector films: Sequential as well as simultaneous stretching process up to 8.4m line width to manufacture extremely thin films for EV applications or high energy density film for renewable energy applications in the power industry 电容薄膜和复合集流体薄膜:幅宽达 8.4 米的分步和同步拉伸工艺,用于制造电动汽车的超薄薄膜或用于电力行业可再生能源应用的高能量密度薄膜
Film thicknesses down to 2.5 or even 2 micron (with the LISIM® simultaneous technology)
薄膜厚度达 2.5或甚至 2 微米 (采用线性电机同步拉伸 LISIM® 技术)
Line uptimes over 90%
生产线正常运行时间超过 90%
In addition to such efficiency enhancement solutions, Brückner presents for the very first time an exhaust air cleaning system in the stretching oven (TDO):
除了这些提高效率的解决方案之外,布鲁克纳还首次展示了拉伸烘箱 (TDO) 中的排风净化系统:
Condensate of TDO exhaust air is cleaned and filtered in a two-stage process
TDO 烘箱的凝聚物排风采用两级清洁和过滤工艺
Compliance with increasingly stringent local and regional environmental regulations
Combination with heat recovery system possible for minimized impact on the environment